Saturday, September 27, 2008


-Bill Gates--WEALTH--money
  • -Luxury---rich--good life--spiritual wealth
  • Some call it the root of all evil , lute, Cheddar .We all need it, we cannot survive without it .I don,t think my parents would have sent me to school if it was,nt for the money.I have been waking up every morning for twelve years,working hard just so that I can get job and get paid.No doubt
  • money plays a major role in our lives, it is a living necessity.I feel happy when we have it,it makes life a bit easier .People will do everything to get it , they will kill for it ,sell their souls, their bodies and even their loved ones just for it.I can,t hide the fact that I love it,I feel so alive when I have money .It motivates me to work hard.I m never satisfied with what I have, I m always longing for more.I m like a drug addict I m always graving for more.My dream is to be filthy rich I don,t want to broke.To ,me money is everything, it is the reason I'm living.


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